- Good Friday Online Service – Friday, April 10th, at 7:00.
- We will also observe communion. For Center Baptist Family, please email, text Jean or Pastor Michael if you would like to pick up the juice and bread combo. You can also use any bread you have or make communion bread (easy recipe online) and juice you may have.
It will be a special time honor Jesus as we remember His sacrifice on this most Holy Day.
- For Easter service (April 12th) – Drive In Church at 10:30. Park in the field at the church and tune into your radio for the service.
- It will be much like a Sunrise Service, a little shorter since you cannot get out of your car and the building will be closed off to use the facilities
- But it will be Christ Honoring and Celebrate His Resurrection with music, worship and a message of Hope.
- It will also be Live Online on Facebook Live and then later archived here on our site.
- Holy Week Bible Study and Devotions each day at 9:00 on Facebook Live with Pastor Michael walking thru each day of Jesus last week before the Cross.