God has always blessed Center Baptist with a Godly Heritage. When the church was established, the very first act of business by the church was to elect and call a building committee. Now, over 100 years later, God is still blessing this precious fellowship with a vision for the future. Over the last several years, God continues to add individuals and families and the need to move from our current faculties to make room for them and the many more that God would have us to reach became apparent.
Three years ago, God orchestrated a miracle where the church was able to buy three acres that included a building already on it, right behind the church, debt free. After much prayer, work, and planning, a dream was birthed for all new facilities on this property. The dream consisted of Sunday School rooms for every age; plenty of room for the nursery and children; a new fellowship hall; plus, a brand-new sanctuary. Now as you can see, the dream is very close to becoming a reality. As you see where God is leading us, it would be a joy for you come and see what God is doing right now at Center.