
Nursery with Maureen Avecodo

Pre-K through 1st with Jean White

Grades 2 through 5 with Jane Westermoreland

  • C-KOM (Centrifugal Kids On Mission)
    • This is our Wed. night ministry for Children in grades 1st -5th.  It was created by our Director Crystal Pourbiax and involves Bible study, missions, Bible memorization, and a lot of fun as well.
  • Children’s church every Sunday for ages 3-5
  • Nursery and Preschool every Wednesday night as well.
  • Choirs and Pastor’s Pals
    • Pastor’s Pals are the kid’s Pre-K thru 5th They receive points for memorizing scripture, attending church and Sunday School, and reading their Bibles and having prayer times. Also, for those entering 1st Grade they receive a new bible at the beginning of the school year. Then each quarter, Pastor Michael does an activity with those who have scored enough points. This is a special group and we love them all.